Snowboarding for Men by Chickie Rosenberg
Snowboarding for Women by Chickie Rosenberg
Snowboarding for Women by Chickie Rosenberg a guide for the Betty Shred wannabe
a new book by Chickie Rosenberg
Contact Chickie Rosenberg A typical way of learning to snowboard is by trial and error, struggling to stand on the board while speeding out of control downhill. To all those guys who would spend the day beating themselves up and bashing their bodies in the process of learning how to snowboard, take some advice: read this book! It is written by an expert in the field whose first book, Snowboarding for Women: a guide for the Betty Shred wannabe, was a total success. This second book is specifically for men, and it tells everything they must know to ride and survive on those slippery slopes.
Video - New England Cable Network
Video - Weekend Today - NBC
Video - CNN
Video - FUJI-TV of Japan
Video - UK Website Interview 9/08

Contact Chickie Rosenberg  Snowboarding for Women by Chickie Rosenberg woman snowboarding

Described as a motivational speaker, Chickie is available to give a talk to your organization. Contact her for details.

To contact Chickie, place your mouse on the words under the photo "Contact her" and you will be there!

Articles about Chickie Rosenberg Fitness
The Mountain Times, 3/08
Your Town Magazine Cover | Article
New York Times 12/23/05
United Airlines Magazine
Snowboarding Comes of Age
Dick's Sporting Goods, 1/07

Check out Chickie's book "Snowboarding for Women"
see Chickie @ various locations For private lessons at Killington, VT, call 800-923-9444. 
see Chickie @ various locations
Show Dog Snowboard Press, LLC
Show Dog Snowboard Press, LLC
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